Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Check In 45 weeks

1267 miles.  Yesterday, as my daughter and I ambled our way to the Y, we revelled in the pure beauty of all the autumn leaves on the the ground and on the trees.  She looked up and said, "that tree has the shade of a mango."  A moment later she picked up a beautiful sugar maple leaf and handed it to me.  One of her favorite things to do is hand me leaves and grasses that are beautiful.  Such wonderful gifts.  I hold them, savoring the moment that she noticed the splendor of our earth and the sweetness of her wishing to give her mama that gift.

Cheers, Shonna

Friday, October 19, 2012

Check In 44 weeks

1235 miles!  It's beautiful outside!  Get out there and commune with this glorious weather.
Heading to LEAF!  See you next week.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Check In 43 weeks

1217 miles!  Yowza the miles are cranking now.  I'm bummed about tomorrow's errand though.  My doc used to be in my neighborhood and is now way on the other side of town.  Choices, choices brave the public transit or peddle down a long busy road.  Oh the logistics of going to and least it's picture perfect out there right now :)

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Check In 42 weeks

1155 miles.  Been on my bike a lot lately, without my camera.  It's making me crazy!  There is so much beauty outside right now.  I want to capture it all.  Guess I will just have to use the experience as a reminder to soak up all the goodness in the moment. Right here. Right now.
I encourage you to breathe it in too. :)