Thursday, May 24, 2012

Monday, May 21, 2012

Deliciousness has arrived, right out my back door.

Check In week 23

549 miles of life affirming steps taken.
This is Strive Not to Drive week friends.  Do it.  I challenge you to not use your car.

Love, Shonna

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Check in 22 Weeks

534 Miles!  Went nearly 3 weeks without making it to the grocery store.  I wondered at times if this was what it felt like to live on the the prairie going in to town for the monthly stock up.  Geesh.  Certainly made my very green eats the last few days oh so extra delicious.  Guess it goes to show how often a quick trip to the store comes in handy in the ole vehicle world.  Alas!  We are well fed and still  happy, health blessed beings:)

Be well friends.


Thursday, May 10, 2012

soon. very soon.

Check In 21 Weeks

150 days of not using a personal automobile!  517 miles. So cool.
Sometimes we want to go beyond the distance we can get there on our own.  Like this weekend!  So we plan ahead and find other people going our way.  The car will be packed and no space will be wasted.  Two families tooling down the road in one car.  All it takes is a little extra planning. Well worth the time.  So, I will be away a couple days.  See you after a bit of outside wonderful play!
Be well.


Friday, May 4, 2012

Check In 20 weeks!

20 weeks, 491 miles of commuting on our feet and bicycles!  WooHoo!
Hey friends, check this out!  A couple lovely ladies in our community are creating a stand in the local herbs front.  Growing their own herbs and making amazing tinctures, salves, teas and spritzers.  They call themselves Herban Farmacy and it's Summer CSA time!  Check out their website for details!  You will so very happy you did.  They will even ship your goodies to you.
Go Herban Farmacy!
check our their super adorable Herban Farmacy shirt model ;)